Friday, September 12, 2014

Crash Into Me

Harriet got home the next day and it was awful. She moped all day. It was just me on the patch and repair squad, because Yvonne had stayed with Rich (more on that) and Ashley was away at a tournament.

We were sitting in her room watching TV, probably Housewives if we are being serious... And she just kept sighing and stuffing her face with mac and cheese.

Finally, I couldn’t take it any longer. “So what did Chet do?” I was over being delicate. I met my quota.

She rolled her eyes. “So it started when we first got there. He showed me where to put my stuff; we were staying in the master bedroom. I sat down on the bed as I was separating my bathroom stuff from my clothes. He walked in from the bathroom and just kisses my cheek and then walks off. Doesn’t say anything.”

I was confused. I don’t see this behavior as odd, but who am I to judge? “Oh...” I said as she was clearly waiting for a response.

“So then I take a nap because we were the only ones there and I wanted to be rested up. So he comes back in and wakes me up and asks what’s going on and if I want to go help him in the kitchen. I got up and he then said that we needed to start making jello shots. I obliged. But he kept making mean comments about how incompetent I was at.”

“Yikes.” And then things got progressively worse. He ignored her when she would ask questions. She went to sit beside him and he told her that he was busy talking to his friends. And when she went to bed he didn’t even offer to go with her. Then the next day he asked if she was “on the rag” because she was being moody.

“I’m sorry, Ree. Look, we won’t dwell on this. Let’s go get froyo and go to Theta tonight. They’re having a band. It’ll be fun!”

She agreed quickly. I was thankful, I really wanted froyo. I called Mark and told him to have an arsenal of his buddies ready to hit on Ree when she walked in. He laughed, but he knew to do it. I updated Yvonne and she agreed to come out for froyo with us.

Later, after a few drinks and dinner, we got ready to head out to Theta. Mark was at the front making sure that the people trying to get in were on the list. I was hoping he didn’t have to do this all night, but what could I do. Leslie saw us shortly after we entered and took us up to Luke’s room. Yvonne, Harriett and I did shots with Leslie and few other upperclassmen. By then Ree had this weird look on her face.

“What’s up?” I asked.

“Chet asked me to stop by Lambda Phi and talk to him.”

I nodded. “Okay, be smart. I know you want to.” And with that she skipped off, and I went to find Mark while Yvonne and Rich were making out.

As I walked down the stairs, I saw Gwen in the hallway. She gave me such a mean face, and I couldn’t figure out why. We hadn’t seen Gwen in a few weeks, but she hadn’t made much of an effort, so I just assumed she found new friends. But she looked really put off. I let it roll off my back as I saw my handsome man mixing a drink.

“For me?” I asked coyly. He handed it to me and began making another for himself.

We finally made it to the party room, and we were there for about two hours until I started to get really sleepy. Mark could tell I was worn out.

“Come on, I’ll take you to bed.”

“Can you? Do you need to be here?”

“I need to escort a drunk, pretty girl to my room.” He pecked my cheek and we began walking back to his dorm.

When we reached his door, he whispered in my ear, “I’ve got a surprise for you.” I had a sneaking suspicion I knew what it was, but I wasn’t going to turn down sex.

As we walked in, I saw a small vase of calla lilies, and a small gift box. I got puppy eyes and looked at him. “What is this?”

“Our first date was two months ago. I just wanted you to know that I love you.” I kissed him something fierce. It was so thoughtful. I didn’t even know we’d been seeing each other that long. I really struck gold with him.

He handed me the small box and I opened it carefully. I opened the box and sitting in a beautiful velvety box was a pair or diamond teardrop earrings.

“Mark, this is too much!” I hugged him and kissed his neck.

He giggled. “No worries, they were my ex-girlfriend’s. She gave them back after we broke up.”

My eyes bugged out in horror. “I, uhh...”

He cracked up, “It’s a joke. Come here.” He pulled me into him and then helped me put on the earrings. He kissed my neck, my shoulder, my jaw. I was becoming jelly. I pushed him down on the bed. We quickly became a puddle of strewn clothes and bed sheets. As we were finally drifting to sleep he pulled me in and whispered, “I love you.”

And just then, there was a knock on the door. “Go away!” Mark yelled.

I heard sobs. “It’s... It’s Leslie. Please Mark!”

We shot up and got dressed, he opened the door. Leslie was a teary mess. Mark hugged her. “What did he do?” Mark said softly.

She took a big breath. “It’s Dad.” She composed herself. “He was in an accident. He’s at the hospital.” And then Mark fell to his knees in tears. I rushed up to him and hugged him. “Luke’s sister is coming to get us. Kathleen, please come. Mom would appreciate it.”

I nodded, and just like that we were in a car on the way to the hospital. And we've been here for days...